Sunday, September 2, 2007


Campo Di Bocce is a slice of italy in the tri valley. The place was clearly the place to be as there was a band at the front door and people in the parking lot were converging like pilgrims towards the building. Inside the high cielings keep it cool while Americans struggle to learn the sport of Bocce. I headed towards the patio where the wine was being poured but I had to stop and smell the incredible Italian food. This column almost became a food column but I had a job to do. Next time, I will play bocce and eat some Pasta. Next time.
175 E. Vineyard Avenue, Livermore, California; Tel. 925.249.9800

Outside Battion Cellars was pouring their sparkling wines. A local Livermore politician was enjoying Dustins creations. Out of respect for their privacy, I won't say who it was but they did say, "This stuff is great!" Dustin gave me a big glass of Cuvee Rouge which is still my favorite. He says it tastes like strawberries. I think it tastes better than strawberries. Dustin and I joke how the idea of the road less traveled by has governed our lives. It has been in my mind since my mother read Robert Frosts poems to me. I always give Dustin credit for giving me a chance to discover something new in life besides writing. Do yourself a favor. Get a four-pack of his wines. Maybe one of each. Either way, his stuff is special. I have my Christmas shopping done. I hope my family doesn't read this. One more thing, Dustin has started a wineclub. Wine clubs are a great way to save money. When you know you're going to buy it anyway, why not save money and plan ahead? Go to for

Across the court, Richard Dixon from Les Chenes Estate Vineyards was holding court. I asked him how he got in the business. He looked at me for a moment and in his eyes were literally thousands of stories. He paused and then spoke. "My family were in the business." He talked at length of how he had plenty of exposure as a child and finally came around as an adult to make his business the same as his parents. I reminded him that often the greatest people in their fields were children of people who did the same thing. Often the great football coaches were the children of coaches. Tightrope walkers, you name it. He did say while his parents were in the business, he has made huge changes and has fine tuned his business quite a bit. He is clearly knowledgeable about the business. He is soft spoken and with the music I couldn't hear half of what he said. I can't wait to interview him as it will surely fill many pages.

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